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I'm not able to start a race ..

I can play in HLap modality for hours ..

but I can't join players that invite me in a race ..

I can't even start a race..

I'm stuck waiting for an answer from a server :(


Does anyone have the same problem ?

Welcome, What kind of internet connection do you use?

Wired or wireless to your router?

If you are not allowed to join a server there is a few reason.

  1. The player who host that race has poor connection, ping is too high or the firewall block it.
  2. Your connection is not stable ennough and you exceed the connection time wich result in connection lost.
  3. You have an issue with your firewall the game isn't allowed to use the port required to connect to the race server.
  4. You don't have the right car class to join the race.

These are all the possible reason but my bet is on your firewall, turn it off and launch the game try to join a race if it work just reply here.

Si vous avez des question, vous pouvez me contacté par messagerie privé!

It was the router.. 

actually it works.. :P :P


tyvm :)

You'r welcome!

Si vous avez des question, vous pouvez me contacté par messagerie privé!

usk esrb_rp

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