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game don't start

after 5 days the don' t start, download error/unknow error....help me

Some people had problems with the latest patch, try to uninstall the game and reinstalling it.

thanks but I have the same problem

just reinstall but nothing


ok nothing to do, skip this game bye


But take forever on my computer is there a better and faster way to fix this problem

Hello sportman001,

what kind of problem do you have? Do you get 'unknow error', crashing on PLAY, not able to download the game, etc ......?

Alessandra Pollini - QA

Hi, My name is YankeesNationn. I was wondering if you could help me because i cant even get in the game. Every time it either freezes or says it cant reach the server even though i have full bars. I have tried redownloading it, but it just says the same thing. I really waznt to play the game and wish you could help me in any way.   Sincerely,YankeesNationn

Well, if you think that a beta game on the first open stage it's bug-free and works like a charm, please return when the game is released. Also, did you try a registry clean when you uninstalled the game? Other details? System specs?

clean with ccleaner, but nothing, the game run for 5 days, and now the same error "download error"

Strange thing, let's wait a response from the devs. As I said, other people had the problem but solved with a new installation..

change the installation folder or not ?

nothing change, after this solution

I have an update/install issue too, please see this thread http://www.victorythegame.com/forum/beta-testing/performance-bootcamp-mac


my installation works, when launch the game "download error" and the only icon selectable is quit

Have you tried to disable the windows or 3rd party firewall?



I have disable firewall, uninstall AVG, used ccleaner, reinstall tha game but NOTHING

Have you tried running the game as ADMINISTRATOR   (Right click on the game icon and go to properties, go to compatibility mode and check RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. 

yes it's select but nothing, I don't know, when I download it work fine fon few days and now only "download error"

Yesterday my client was stuck on updating. I solved the issue running the application in compatibility mode "windows XP SP2", after the patch I disabled the compatibility mode and now is running correctly.


thanks but for me this game is impossible to run

Hello Roby71,

try to clean the browser's cache, please, and let me know if it works. 

Alessandra Pollini - QA

I have clean Iexplorer, firefox and crome but nothing, it's incredible, the game is funny but for me is a problem

When release a new version of beta?

Hey Roby can you do me a favor and read the thread http://www.victorythegame.com/forum/technical-assistance/how-post-your-dx-diag-useful-read-if-you-need-technical-support


Follow those directions and post your dxdiag here but as a normal reply, not a reply to this specific comment.... that way it doesn't get squeezed into a smaller box (the dxdiag is quite large)

thanks :)

- Mad Cow -

last game lauch fail finish with new send report file sended.

finally can I play this game?


Same "download error" my client can't download tha upgrade and don't run.

When fix my problem?

Possible error of server or download location, my client can't find it?


Same issue, I tried reinstalling, and everything else you mentioned here, but nothing.

finally I 'm not alone....

Hello guys,

we will as fast as possible put the links of the patches in the forum, so, if any of you get problems on the download, you can manually update the game.

Important note is that you CAN'T just download the last one, but you should check your version and download all the patches from yours to the last one.

Thx for your patience!

Alessandra Pollini - QA

ok I think with this manual update i' ts possible to play for me.

Wait for the link.....

.... and where I can find it?

the manual download patch not the main download, I' m waiting that file

Will put here the links of the patches: remember that you have to DOWNLOAD THEM ALL starting from your version

This is a temporary measure, till we understand what is your issue.











Alessandra Pollini - QA


Alessandra Pollini - QA

wow non va di nuovo, ho anche messo l' update 545

Is not working because there is a new patch, but before to post you the link,

would like that all the guys that can't update the game or log in  do this procedure, please:


1) Windows Menu -> All Programs ->  Accessories -> Command Prompt 

2) type:         tracert  download.ageofracing.com

3) push enter

4) when it's done, displaying the full track, make a screenshot and send it to the Support.





I add you a screenshot as example.


Alessandra Pollini - QA

Basically...yes. :p

Alessandra Pollini - QA

If it times out, you won't have 'track completed' at the end of the procedure, but you could anyway do a screenshot and send to the Support, so will help us understand what the problem can be. 


Alessandra Pollini - QA



@ Roby71: before to download the new patch, do the procedure asked you, please....didn't get anything at the Support yet. Thx!

Alessandra Pollini - QA

salve volevo informarvi che  il giuoco da me danlodato dal vostro sito a dei problemi cioe la schermata inziale parte poi schiaccio start /  play e lo scermo diventa tutto nero.


Hello, would like to inform you that the game downloaded from the site got issues: once I push start/play the screen becomes black.

Ciao Iachicco, vai nella cartella di Victory, cerca il file chiamato numen.log e spediscilo al Support, per favore. Senza quello è difficile capire quale possa essere il tuo problema.



Hi Iachicco, go to Victory's folder and send the file numen.log to the Support, please. Otherwise is really hard to understand what can be your issue. 


Alessandra Pollini - QA

Sorry I took so long, I totally forgot about this. Game is fully updated manually, still got the error. My traceroute:

Nothing unusual there - looks like what I'd expect from WA to Calfornia.

Thx Hawx3031i for posting it; I sent the pic to our cdn's net admins and still waiting for an answer.

But the point is when you did your tracert, if immediatly after you got the download issue or days and days later.

Anyway we did some improvements and would like you to help us, please: in some hours there will be a new patch and if you still get the error, do immediatly the tracert and post here, then download it manually.. timing it is really important.


Alessandra Pollini - QA

I have had the download issue for months. My game failed to patch with the same error again today, this is traceroute:

I just had an idea....Those pings seem really high, could it be that the game times out before it connects?

Also, where can I download the latest patch?

Thx Hawx303i, you are really helping us! :)


P.S. Sent you a PM.


Alessandra Pollini - QA

No problem. I also ran a traceroute through Nmap, since the results are normally clearer:

Just open the image's URL if you want to see it full size.

im having same problems as roby

Did you try to run it as administrator?

i tried doin amistrater but it does same thing. that round loading thing stays there and stays there and stays there....

Hi rand,

could you please tell us which OS you're trying to run it on? Did you also try to make a deep cleansing of the registry using CCleaner before installing the game again?

ok ill try  CCleaner

What's your Operating System? What are the specifications of your computer/laptop (CPU, GPU, hard drives, RAM)? Do you have a firewall installed?

Please just stick to one thread there is no need to talk about the same issue on different threads. Thanks.


usk esrb_rp

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